Continuum of Care Competition Cycle
HUD has released the FY 2024 and 2025 NOFO information
HUD Strategic and Other Goals
HUD’s Strategic Plan sets the direction and focus of our programs and staff to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality, affordable homes for all. This NOFO supports HUD’s Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years (FY) 2022-2026 to accomplish HUD’s mission and vision. Each of the five goals in the Strategic Plan includes what HUD hopes to accomplish, the strategies to accomplish those objectives, and the indicators of success.
HUD will pursue two overarching priorities focused on increasing equity and improving customer experience across all HUD programs. Five strategic goals and several objectives undergird the Plan; however, the following goals are applicable to this NOFO:
Applicable Goals and Objectives from HUD’s Strategic Plan
Strategic Goal 1: Support Underserved Communities Fortify support for underserved communities and support equitable community development for all people.
1A: Advance Housing Justice Fortify support for vulnerable populations, underserved communities, and Fair Housing enforcement.
1B: Reduce Homelessness Strengthen Federal, State, Tribal, and community implementation of the Housing First approach to reducing the prevalence of homelessness, with the ultimate goal of ending homelessness.
1C: Invest in the Success of Communities Promote equitable community development that generates wealth-building for underserved communities, particularly for communities of color.
Strategic Goal 2: Ensure Access to and Increase the Production of Affordable Housing Ensure housing demand is matched by adequate production of new homes and equitable access to housing opportunities for all people.
2A: Increase the Supply of Housing Enhance HUD’s programs that increase the production and supply of housing across the country.
2B: Improve Rental Assistance Improve rental assistance to address the need for affordable housing.
Strategic Goal 3: Promote Homeownership Promote homeownership opportunities, equitable access to credit for purchase and improvements, and wealth-building in underserved communities.
3A: Advance Sustainable Homeownership Advance the deployment of tools and capital that put sustainable homeownership within reach.
3A – Major Initiative: Expand Homeownership Opportunities Promote financing for innovative ownership models to increase the availability of affordable housing.
3B: Create a More Accessible and Inclusive Housing Finance System Advance new policy, programs, and modernization initiatives that support a more equitable housing finance system. Promote the preservation and creation of affordable housing stock.
Strategic Goal 4: Advance Sustainable Communities Advance sustainable communities by strengthening climate resilience and energy efficiency, promoting environmental justice, and recognizing housing’s role as essential to health.
4A: Guide Investment in Climate Resilience Invest in climate resilience, energy efficiency, and renewable energy across HUD programs.
4B: Strengthen Environmental Justice Reduce exposure to health risks, environmental hazards, and substandard housing, especially for low-income households and communities of color.
4C: Integrate Health and Housing Advance policies that recognize housing’s role as essential to health.
You are expected to align your application to the applicable strategic goals and objectives below. Use the information in this section to describe in your application the specific goals, objectives, and measures that your project is expected to help accomplish. If your project is selected for funding, you are also expected to establish a plan to track progress related to those goals, objectives, and measures. HUD will monitor compliance with the goals, objectives, and measures in your project.
Deadline Date: October 30, 20204